
Web site info

Web Site Host

Information regarding the hosting of the History of Washington Park High School web site

During the 2009-10 school year, the Racine Unified School District provided web site templates for schools which resulted in a different web site becoming the official Washington Park High School web site. The official web site is stored on a server at the Racine Unified School District central office.

As a result of this web site change, the web site that you are visiting changed to "The History of Washington Park High School".

The web site address of www.racinepark.org currently goes to the History of Park High School web site and will be viewable until a time when the web master no longer chooses to pay for the hosting of the web site.

If you are looking for the official Racine Park High School web site that is hosted by the Racine Unified School District, there is a link for it on the top navigation bar.