Hall of Fame Info
Over the years, many inquiries have been made about the nomination procedure. If you are interested in nominating someone, send a note stating that you are nominating someone for the Park High School Hall of Fame. Please include the following information: Name of nominee Send the note to the address listed below or e-mail to Park Webmaster with hall of fame in the subject area of the e-mail
WHAT ARE THE NOMINATON CRITERIA? In order to be nominated for Park’s Hall of Fame, a person must meet three qualifications. They are: HOW ARE NOMINEES SELECTED FOR INDUCTION TO THE HALL OF FAME? Not every person nominated can be selected for the Hall of Fame. A faculty selection committee reviews the nominations and biographical data received on each of the nominees, and, based on the committee’s decisions, nominees are selected for induction. The selection process takes hours and hours of reading, discussing and reviewing before final selections are made. Nominees who are not selected in one year may be nominated again. This year’s Hall of Fame Committee was composed of the following faculty members: Dan Thielen, Directing Principal; Mr. Matt Geisler, English Teacher; Mr. Jim Kerkvliet, Activities Director; Mr. Tony Arndt, Social Studies Teacher; Ms. Judy Kuchera, Secretary; Mrs. Sherry Babicky, Foreign Language Teacher; Mrs. Christie VanDerGeest, Counselor; Mr. Glenn Schultz, Counselor and Chairperson, Hall of Fame Committee.
HALL OF FAME DISPLAY CASE All Hall of Fame members are invited to visit Park and view the Hall of Fame display case located in the Theater foyer. Two solid oak plaques hold individual black brass name plates bearing the name and graduation year of each of the 204 Hall of Fame members. Plaques are arranged according to year of induction into the Hall of Fame. In addition, each year large 8 x 10 photographs and accompanying biographical information of the year’s current inductees are also mounted in the display case along with photographs and information about the Hall of Fame scholarship winners. The current inductees display will be available for viewing from August through June through June of the next year. The display case is an impressive sight. Come and see it! (Please feel free to contact us in advance and ask for a tour of the building as well!)
DO YOU KNOW WHERE THEY ARE? Over the past few years, we have lost contact with some of our Hall of Fame members. With your help we found many last year! Can you help us again? If you have a current address or information about the individuals below, please drop a note to the Hall of Fame Committee at the address listed at the end of the newsletter. Thanks for your help!! Charles W. Christenson (’36), Gary A. Huck ('69), R. Clifford Kelsey ('51), James V. Lowery ('30), Fletcher McBroom (’44), Audrey K. McCoy, ('85) Ruth E. Peterson (’34)
PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH!! If you have an address change and would like to continue to receive the newsletter each year, please send your change of address information to us at the address below. If you have ideas for information you’d like to see in the newsletter, suggestions for nominations or any other ideas for the Hall of Fame, we’d love to hear from you! Please send all correspondence to: Hall of Fame Newletter 2008. Click HERE to download PDF file of Newsletter Hall of Fame List